You would first start by cloning from your upstream:
$ git clone git://
The only difference from the initial step in the centralized workflow is,... nothing. You will get a "linux" directory that becomes your working area, where you will have the standard configuration, perhaps not very different from this:
[remote "origin"]
url = git://
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[branch "master"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/master
And your "master" branch, which was copied from the "master" branch of Linus's repository, is ready for you to build your work on it.
The only difference is that you would not "git push" back to Linus's repository. The "git://" protocol will not usually let you push, and even if it did, Linus would not let you write into his repository.
After working on your changes on "master", the way you would push out what you did is to say something like this:
$ git push master
This might get cumbersome to type every time, so you would add another remote, perhaps like this:
[remote "me"]
url =
url =
By defining a short-hand for that URL, you can now say:
$ git push me master
and push out the work you did on your master branch as the master branch of your public repository, so that other people can pull from it.
If you worked on a topic that was forked from Linus's master to enhance a specific feature or fix a specific bug, you may want to say:
$ git checkout -b fix-tty-bug origin/master
... work work work ...
$ git push me fix-tty-bug
to publish the result in your public repository as a branch.
By the way, do you recall the reason why upstream mode was appropriate when using the centralized workflow from the previous post?
While the purpose of the Linus's master branch is to advance the overall state of the Linux kernel to prepare for the next release, the purpose of your topic branch fix-tty-bug is a lot narrower. And you are usually not integrating the work other people did into your work before you push it out. Indeed, you are encouraged to pick one stable point in the official (i.e. Linus's) history, and build on top of it without rebasing or merging things unrelated to what you are trying to achieve yourself.
Unlike in the centralized workflow where you tentatively play the role of integrator and change the purpose of your topic branch into "advance the overall project status" (which is compatible with the purpose of the "master" branch you will be updating with your work in the centralized workflow) immediately before you push it out, the purpose of your topic branch will stay to be the same as the original purpose of the topic until and after you push it out, when you are working with the distributed workflow.
If you started your topic branch, fix-tty-bug, to fix a bug in the tty subsystem and named it after the purpose of the topic branch, it can and should keep the name in your public repository. There is no reason to publish the result as your master branch. You control the branch names in your public repository, and pushing it out as master will only lose information. The branch name fix-tty-bug told what the branch was about. The name master sounds as if you are trying to make everything better, but that is not what you did.
So in general, you would be pushing out your topic branches to your public repository under the same name. You can use the 'current' mode when push your work out, like this:
$ git config push.default current
And then, you can lose that branch name from the command line when you push your work out:
$ git push me
You run the above command while you have your fix-tty-bug branch checked out, and the current branch is pushed out to the destination repository (i.e. me) to update the branch of the same name.
Recently, we added a mechanism to help those who are too lazy to even type "me", i.e. it let you say:
$ git push
To use this, you configure what remote you push to when you do not say from the command line, with a configuration variable, like this:
$ git config remote.pushdefault me
This feature is available in Git 1.8.3 and later.